Just a 10 minutes drive north along the Baja Sur coast from the small colourful town of Todos Santos B.C.S Mexico, you will find Maggies Lot. The 1000 m2 raw land is located above Las Tunas in the desert hillside area of La Horcadita. Perched on a north facing ridge, this property gives stunning panoramic ocean views, where you can observe the whale migration, or enjoy a spectacular Baja sunset. Maggies lot also features an eastern vista of the Sierra de Laguna, which you can relish in the sunrise each morning. This property gives plenty of opportunity to build your own personal desert oasis retreat, multi-family compound or Todos Santos vacation rental.
Property details
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List Price
$63,000 USD
$1,271,516 MXN*Property Type
- Fideicomiso (Autofin)
Infrastructure and Utilities
Road Type
- Dirt Not Maintained
- Septic